
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tickets for Left Behind on sale now!

Shows: 17th May (7:30pm) & 18th May (3pm)
Tickets at $20 available from
Or just click tickets below! 

People left behind. Emotions left behind. Objects left behind. What's left?

Come share your stories as we playback to the theme of Left Behind.

Watch and listen as your stories come to life with movement, word, music and cloth!

Playback Theatre is an improvisational form of community theatre, that honours the individual voices, and builds community through the commonalities in our stories.

Get your tickets now! 

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Full-house at our first Open Rehearsal of 2014!

We had a full-house at our first Open Rehearsal of the year! From teenagers to retirees, we gathered for a curiosity about Playback Theatre. 

Thank you all for being such good sports. Thank you for the stories. Thank you everyone making this Open Rehearsal a beautiful, meaningful and magical evening. 

And if you missed this one, our next is on the last Saturday of April! =))

We're thankful that everyone found their footwear afterward! 
Walking the space.

Improvising movement to improvised sound.

Improvising movement to improvised sound.

Improvising movement to improvised sound.

Improvising movement to improvised sound.
And now it is time for the stories...