
Saturday, May 06, 2006

Tapestry June 2006 Performance: Who Am I?

Come and play!
Explore how we see ourselves in our daily lives and how others look at us.
Join us in Tapestry Playback Theatre's next performance:

3rd June 2006, Sat
8 pm – 9.30 pm
Blk 40A, Margaret Drive, level 2
(The Room Above Queenstown Hawker Centre)

Price: $15.00 *
*Part of the proceeds go to Playback Cambodia

(Purchase of more than 5 tickets and students – $12)

Email Eemien at for more information about booking of tickets and queries.

There will be a special presentation on Playback Cambodia during the tea-break. Please stay on to support this presentation.

Tapestry Playback Theatre (Singapore) will be embarking on another playback journey to Cambodia on 20-25 June 2006. This time, we hope to bring two customized workshops for social workers, community workers and counselors from Mercy Teams International (MTI) and other Non-Government Organizations. Tapestry would also be facilitating a playback workshop for a group of Cambodian children from MTI.

This is a purely voluntary effort from Tapestry members. If you believe in the ministry of Playback Theatre, and would like to support us, or have a heart in helping the children of Cambodia, do contribute in amounts of $10, $20, $50 to the Tapestry Playback Cambodia Fund.

For more information on how you could do this, call Anne Chua at 90068678.