
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Introductory Playback Theatre Workshop Series

Come and discover a new way
to engage small groups of people!

Experience the therapeutic impact
of shared personal stories!

Energise your tired minds and bodies
through engaging theatre forms!

Venue: Room Above Queenstown Hawker Centre,
Block 40A, Margaret Drive, level 2
(the building is opposite the Queenstown Polyclinic)

Dates: 12, 19, 26 March, 2, 9, 16, 23 April 2006

Time: 5.30 – 8.30pm

Cost: $40 per session
(Must sign up for at least 4 consecutive sessions
to be registered in this course)

Sign up for all 7 sessions and receive a discount of 15%

Email: Anne at to
register for this series of workshop sessions!